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English College Dubai The

1 stars in 5
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English College Dubai The
Sh Zayed Road, Dubai
The English College P O Box 11812 Dubai, UAE
+971-4-3943465 , +971 4 3943465

Details of English College Dubai The

The aim of The English College, Dubai is to offer the best elements of the British education system supplemented by modern international educational practice, based upon our students achieving high academic standards, making sound judgements and having clearly defined moral values. We hope to provide a firm foundation for our students to succeed in an ever-changing multicultural world and develop into successful learners, confident individuals and good citizens. We aim to give each child the best level of education possible, not just in academic training, but also in terms of character formation, developing the whole personality and awakening new interests, so that when our students leave school we can expect them to become effective, happy and responsible members of society. Basic to our values is our abiding belief in human worth. Our focus is always on potential: to help students to discover and appreciate their own uniqueness and value while providing an environment where there is freedom and order and a balance between the needs of the individual and those of the community.

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