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Institute of Management Technology

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Institute of Management Technology
Academic City, Dubai
Institute of Management Technology Dubai International Academic City P.O Box 345006, Dubai, UAE
+971-4-4227244 , + 971 4 4227244 / 3638862

Details of Institute of Management Technology

The Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Dubai was founded in 2006, and within a short span of time has emerged as a leading business school in the region offering high quality business programs. The institute is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE and is licensed by the KHDA, Dubai Government. With a high quality curriculum, outstanding faculty, world class infrastructure and facilities, students at IMT Dubai develop with a unique and challenging educational experience. IMT Dubai offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in business, including; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, MBA for fresh graduates and an Executive MBA for working professionals. IMT Dubai programs have an international curriculum and are focused on providing students with critical thinking and life-long learning skills. Internships and company projects are part of the programs and gives students an opportunity of interacting with the corporate world. IMT Dubai faculty are leaders in their fields with the right blend of academic and industry experience. We provide students an international experience opportunity by participating in exchange programs across Europe and the United States. Articulation agreements are in place with some of the most prominent universities for student exchange and double degree programs.

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