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Oryx Production

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Oryx Production
Satwa, Dubai
Oryx Film and Television Production Post Box No: 11830, Dubai, UAE
+971-4-3450044 , +971 4 3450044

Details of Oryx Production

Oryx Productions has been operating in Dubai since 1994 – long before the digital film, image and IT boom of the last five years, which gives us the edge of experience and vision. Oryx is well established in the UAE market, but our operations extend to Jeddah, Riyadh, Kuwait, Bahrain, as well as other areas of the Middle East, where we are now on the forefront of producing various kinds of films, video and digital media. We have kept up to date with creative and technological developments and we can offer the benefits of an excellent creative team, a highly skilled technical team and state of the art equipment and facilities. Oryx has produced more hundreds of TV commercials, more than 100 corporate films and more than 3000 hours of TV Programs. We have a unique approach to corporate film making and we believe that the corporate film should be a sophisticated and stylish expression of a company’s corporate image.

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