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Abu Dhabi University

1 stars in 5
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1 out of 5
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Abu Dhabi University
Abu Dhabi
P.O Box 59911, Abu Dhabi, UAE
+971-2-5015555 , +971 2 5015555

Details of Abu Dhabi University

What has pulled in more than 7000 splendid understudies to contribute the most energizing years of their lives at Abu Dhabi University? The reasons are as differing as the understudies themselves. For a few, it is the fascination of a universally focused and imaginative training - with 24 undergrad and 10 postgraduate projects that open the passage to momentous vocations around the world. For others, it is our uncommon notoriety in the occupation market, which has seen a marvelous employability rate surpassing 90%. However there are others for whom the overwhelming offer lies in our bright, energetic understudy group - with more than 55 nationalities mixing in the throbbing, quickly developing city of Abu Dhabi that is brimming with conceivable outcomes. It is difficult to pinpoint which of Abu Dhabi University's qualities is the greatest. In any case, the magnificence of it is that you don't need to pick; since this is the college where you can seek after it all.

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