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Be You International

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Be You International
Abu Dhabi
#401 NBK Building, Airport Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
+971-2-4463766 , +971 (0)2 446 3766

Details of Be You International

We promise transformation through experiential learning and co-active coaching. Our programs and workshops will be creative, empowering, and impactful. We want to expand the potential of the youth, so that the collective effort of all of us, create the shift and change needed in this part of the world. Together we will create a Love Generation. Be You International is a source of energy, a catalyst for change and a spark for radical transformation: always positive, inspiring, empowering, accepting, supportive, giving, and believes that everyone can contribute in their own unique way. Be You International also promises to donate a part of all proceeds to organizations like Kiva, Givology, Women to Women International among others.

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