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Galaxy Computer Education & Training Institute

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Galaxy Computer Education & Training Institute
Najda Street, Abu Dhabi
101, Bin Saqar Tower, Najda Street, Near Green House, P.O.Box: 43892, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
+971 2 62 14 233 , +971 2 62 14 233 , +971 2 62 14 233

Details of Galaxy Computer Education & Training Institute

SOME SERVICES THAT WE PROVIDE..... Galaxy Computer Education & Training Institute (GCE) is a leading education institute in Abu Dhabi, Established in 1992 that focuses on providing high quality education and training programs. GCE is accredited to Abu Dhabi Center for Technical Vocational Education & Training (ACTVET) with specialization in Computer, Management, and Language Training programs. In today's world, it's important to reassess our priorities goals. There are many challenges to meet. In galaxy we use the terms "lifelong learning" to describe the process of returning to education and training over the course of our careers to assist us in new and more complex skill development. GCE offers programs for people of all ages and backgrounds. Our students are school leavers, business people, Employees, overseas employment seekers needing language and job skill, unemployed people, professionals who are up skilling, university graduate who want some hands-on skills and people looking to develop computer and management skills.

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