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HLA Interior Design

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HLA Interior Design
Najda Street, Abu Dhabi
1603 al-Masaood Tower Nadja Street PO Box 73776 Abu Dhabi, UAE
+971-2-6777187 , +91 22 2857 0178

Details of HLA Interior Design

In 1988, Barbara Allen set up Allen and Chow Design Ltd. spend significant time in configuration and courses of action administrations for inn and recreation ventures. Thusly, Allen and Chow Design Ltd. effectively marked a selective contract with a famous inside configuration firm in Hong Kong and set up a lodging business group that was intensely keeping pace with a portion of the world's top class accommodation plan studios. However in 1996 as interest developed for its administrations, Allen and Chow Design Ltd. chosen to finish up the aforementioned contract to rather dedicate itself to giving a more extensive support of a more extensive scope of customers, inns and global engineers. This advancement provoked the organization to change its name to Hospitality and Leisure Asia (HLA) keeping in mind the end goal to better mirror the organization's business nature of spotlight on configuration of accommodation and relaxation offices solely inside of Asia. As per this new business center, HLA then set up its base camp in Kuala Lumpur to give building and inside outline proficient administrations for its customers in Malaysia, Singapore and Southeast Asia. In the interim, Monica Ng, HLA's official chief kept on regulating the business in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. In 2001, to effectively meet the expanding requests of the organization's Royal bonuses in the Middle East; HLA set up new outline studios in the United Arab Emirates, where it has constructed a noteworthy arrangement of work extending from Royal castles, extravagance resorts, to smart, contemporary eateries. HLA has kept on establishing so as to grow an office in Mumbai in 2009.

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