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Drive Communication

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Drive Communication
Dubai Media City, Dubai
Dubai Media City, Bldg. 8, Ground Floor Office 19, P.O. Box. 502130, Dubai, UAE.

Details of Drive Communication

Drive Dentsu is a future ground breaking showcasing and correspondence system adjusting the MENA district. We give bespoke arrangements that conquer any hindrance between business potential outcomes and inventive determination, while conveying viability for our customers. Our voracious interest about the crossing point of individuals, innovation, culture and brands powers our work. We call this 'Great Innovation'. We are multicultural, media unbiased and pick up our quality from the more than 400 workers of the Drive Dentsu Network. Each with their own particular differing specializations, our group keeps on sharpening their knowledge and imagination, moving our way of life of 'Good Innovation'. As a major aspect of the Dentsu Global Network, Drive profits by the aggregate learning, apparatuses and mastery crossing more than 110 nations, 37,000 workers spread crosswise over more than 160 workplaces around the world.

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